Shoe components Контакты

On this page the part of a wide range of shoe components, the equipment, tools for repair and sewing of footwear is submitted. You can order all this right now.

Sewing hose machines, a thread caproic, hooks and handles to nymas, knifes shoe, heeltaps metal! Order all this right now on email

крючок обувной для прошивки подошвы и мелких ушивок по коже to increase
Hooks metal soles the insertion and work with a leather(skin), for application of a hook needs ручка.\12 rbl., from 500 piece \10 rbl., from 1000 piece \ 8 by rbl.

ручки деревянные с зажимной цангой под крючки для прошивки подошвы
Handles ("cone" and "figured") for brace replaceable metal крючков\45 rbl.

швейная рукавная машинка для ремонта обуви to increase!
The sewing hose machine for repair of footwear of production South Korea, is applied to an insertion of a leather(skin) of footwear in remote places, sewings across round заплаток, sewings of clasps - lightnings on boots and jackets. On capacity among hose repair(remedial) vehicles has no analogues: sews across 4-5 mm of a hard saddle blanket. Needles 90-120 number are used routine caproic a thread 50, 65 number. In the complete set to the sewing machine the instruction, a tripod metal, three metal legs, a reserve shuttle (big is free of charge applied!), the reserve carriage, three reserve hasps. The sewing hose machine is packed into the form from cellular plastic and a color box from a corrugated cardboard. Вес:10 kg. In a shoe-repair shop it is positioned routinely permanently.
70 $ a piece
From 3 piece 56 $
From 5 piece 46 $
From 10 piece 43 $

капроновые нитки для прошивки подошвы to increase
Thread caproic Caproic a thread leaders among threads on high water resistance and hardness(toughness). Are applied to an insertion of soles and a leather(skin).
Thread caproic for an insertion of soles:
3156 метров\8,3$ will consist of 3 braided(twisted) threads
800 метров\2,6$
1057 метров\3,3$ (the big bobbin)
2000 метров\5$ will consist of 6 braided(twisted) threads!
Thread caproic leather(skin) for an insertion:
65 К\1,6$ = 2000 meters

нож сапожный
Knifes shoe with wooden ручкой\ from 1,2$
Leather(Skin) in shoe-repair shops are applied to a clipping кожкартона, resite, polyurethane(PUR),

набойки металлические, порошковые, латунные, бронзовыеRange from 50 kinds of heeltaps!
Heeltaps metal firm for heels on women обувь\ 3 rbl. 25 copecks of a steam(vapour) of heeltaps with probes firm

Heeltaps metal (steel 5мм) \3 rbl. 15 copecks of a steam(vapour) of heeltaps with nails in the complete set
Heeltaps metal (steel 5мм) \2 rbl. 50 copecks of a steam(vapour) of heeltaps with countersink

Heeltaps bronzy (brass) with probes
From 7 rbl. \»áÓá, from 500пар\5 rbl.

клещи затяжные to increase
Ticks long footwear for puff
Are applied at puff of preparations of new footwear or repair of footwear.
6,5-8,3 $ a piece
Ticks long from aged stocks: 3,3$. \ÞÔÒ¬á!!!

бегунки замки для застежек-молний
"Бегунки" (convex: quality) - camboxes for clasps - lightnings 1,5 rbl. \ a piece, from 1000 piece \1,4 rbl.

Fur shoe synthetic

пробойник для кожи
"Belt punchs" for a leather(skin) of 1,2$., from 100 piece 1$

супинаторы металлические для женской обуви
Instep supports from 1,55 rbl. \ÞÔ.

молоток сапожный с эргономной ручкой
Hammer shoe with эргономной the handle at the price of 4$., from 100 piece \

стельки войлочные
Insoles felt from 5руб.\пара, felt, felt boots

The prices for polyurethanes(PUR) shoe here

Across Russia delivery is possible(probable)!

Except for the set forth above shoe components, you can order and other production for repair and sewing of footwear which is supplied(delivered) under barter schemas(circuits) or on making up of a package of orders: heels women modelling productions Turkey and Poland, shoes shoe, "Resite", soles, preventive maintenance sheet and moulded, кожкартон, a leather(skin) shoe and clothing.

The padding prices for shoe components here

Materials under the order (the description, the sizes, the prices):

Resite, экстра, lux, кс, супер, кр, humite, стиронип, сд duplicated here

Micropore and шпальт (новопора, вш, д, далсофт, нк) here

Soles men's from ТЭП here

Metal garniture (heeltaps, buckles) here

The prices for polyurethane(PUR) +фото

On main

г. Нижний Новгород: Оптовая и розничная торговля, тел.8-910-799-47-61, электронная  почта:


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