
Polyurethane(PUR) in plates and shoe components order now! On email iod@list.ru. To you will answer within 24 hours!

Choose and order polyurethanes (PUR) now!
Polyurethanes (PUR) for repair of footwear
Shoe and technical (advantage of technical polyurethanes (PUR): high wearing qualities and oil-бензо-stability (resistance))

On the following page polyurethanes(PUR) shoe →

полиуретан технический 12см*70см, 10см*50см цвет желтый и черный для ремонта обувиполиуретан технический желтый в полоскахполоски технического полиуретана цвет черный         
Polyurethane(PUR) technical color yellow and black, in полосках
12 см*70см (a novelty of a season! The superbig size)
thickness 5-5,5мм\140 rbl.
thickness 3мм\85 rbl.
10 см*50 sm
thickness 5-5,5 мм\85 rbl., from 100 piece \80 rbl.
9 см*50 см\ 80 rbl.
From 100 piece \76,5 of rbl., from 300 piece \72 rbl.
thickness 5-5,5мм\63 rbl., from 100 piece \59,5 of rbl., from 300 piece \56 rbl.

thickness 5-5,5мм heeltaps polyurethane on footwear
thickness 2-3мм polyurethane preventive maintenance or reduction of hose of a sole of footwear

полиуретан технический от производителя по демпинговым ценам
Polyurethane(PUR) technical 3,5см*50см, color black and yellow (the quantity(amount) is limited)
25 rbl.!

полиуретан повышенной жесткости оранжевого, коричневого цвета
The range of polyurethanes(PUR) is very wide on the sizes: length 50см, 70см, 90см
Width 3,5см, 4см, 4,5см, 5см, 5,5см, 6см, 6,5см, 7см, 9см, 10см, 12см
To color yellow, white, orange, brown, black, dark blue
By your order exclusive variants are possible(probable)!

кусочки полиуретана от 2 руб. 50 коп.
Polyurethane(PUR) in scraps 3,5см*10см thickness 5мм\ 3 rbl. pieces.

полиуретановые круги повышенной прочностиувеличить
Polyurethane circles from pigs thickness of 5 mm diameter of 150 mm the price 1 штуки\30 rbl.
Diameter 185 мм\ 45 rbl.

лента полиуретановая с продольной насечкой из полиуретана
Polyurethane(PUR) technical a tape, width 6,3см, thickness 5-5,5мм
Sleek 240 rbl. \¬ú and with a longitudinal notch 250 rbl. \¬ú

полиуретановые плиты
Plates of technical polyurethane(PUR) the price contractual

полеуретан синего цвета
Polyurethane(PUR) color dark blue, in полосках 3-5 см*25-50см, thickness 5-5,5 мм\150 rbl. \¬ú

Polyurethane(PUR) of dark-violet color, in полосках 6-6,5 см*50 см\50-55 rbl.

On the following page polyurethanes(PUR) shoe →


On page components you can look a photo, the description and the prices for materials for repair and sewing of footwear.
Introduce the contribution to developing a site: what shoe components and polyurethanes(PUR): circles, a strip, sheets (the sizes different) to you are required, but are not present them on a site? (indicate your volumes, at receipt of production the information on availability of production) will be sent to you.
Offer barters: any materials, tools and the equipment for sewing and repair of footwear.
At orders the request to specify your city and volumes: the prices are indicated wholesale, but at serious volumes allowances are possible(probable)!
The padding prices for polyurethanes(PUR) (table) here
Across Russia delivery is possible(probable)!
Your orders send on email: iod@list.ru

On main                    Контакты

г. Нижний Новгород: Оптовая и розничная торговля, тел.8-910-799-47-61, электронная  почта: iod@list.ru


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